
Mountainous Waves

It was expensive,
A lottery ticket the size of venus,
A triple bet on a single digit,
And the money went down the drain.
The house will have it,
The house will keep it,
The house has other guests to appease.
Even though you learned its labyrinth by heart,
You know its fabric by smell,
The chips in your hand feel natural,
It too is a behemoth that will move on,
Its soul impermanent,
Its walls prone to reconstruction and change.
And that’s all okay.
You had fun while it lasted,
You won some and lost some,
You went bankrupt and you scored the jackpot.
You felt new things, new rushes, new flavors of adrenaline.
And you learned how to count the cards.
So sure it comes in mountainous waves,
Yes the sensation of hunger jabs at your stomach and drags down all your organs,
Yes your head hurts from dehydration and exhaustion,
Yes your eyes tear up from the trash and dust on the ground,
But just over yonder is another building, With shining words,
And blinking lights.
And just beyond it,
And just beyond it,
And just beyond it…

Another gamble to be made
Another investment to be fooled by
And maybe, just maybe,
Someday, one day,

A place to call your own.

#introspection #poetry